Think about how vital the availability of warm running water is in your home. Especially at a time of year like this—could you imagine having to take a freezing cold shower in the morning during this season? Your water heater is absolutely vital. You want to make sure that you have the water heater work that you need, and you can get it here from our team.
The unfortunate thing is that, sooner or later, you’re going to have a water heater repair need here in Gainesville, FL. Things happen! Your water heater is going to wear down eventually, but we can be the team of professionals to help you get the water heater repair that you need. If you’re unaware of the signs that you need water heater repair, we’re going to make sure that you’re aware of all the warning signs below…
“Do I Need It?”
How do you know if you need hot water heater repair in your home? Sometimes, the signs aren’t always so clear. Here are a few of the indicators that you should schedule an appointment with our professionals.
Lukewarm or Cold Water
We meet many homeowners who try to brush this problem off in winter. It’s easy to try to attribute something like this to the cold weather affecting your plumbing. In reality, it’s a sign that your water heater is failing. This is true even if your water isn’t freezing cold. Lukewarm water is an issue too!
Loud Noises
Here’s the thing—your water heater is going to make some noise. We really would never say that it is going to be silent. If the loud noises that you’re hearing are getting increasingly louder and louder or more concerning, then it’s a major sign that you need repairs. Some common loud noises that you might hear are rumbling, banging, or scraping. This is a result of the sediment build up in your tank. Don’t ignore this—it’s going to lead to bigger problems.
Again, we don’t want to get things misconstrued here, you might notice a little light condensation on your water heater. If you’ve noticed water around your tank them you might have something a little more than condensation. What you’re experiencing is a full-on leak. Call us and we’ll come out and check your fittings and connections for any failures.
Rusty Water
Rusty water is the clear indication of a water heater repair need. This means that you’re having trouble with your pipes and it’s safe to say that your system is rusting away on the inside. Rusty water is normally something that advances and devolves into a leak. Make sure that you give this problem the care it deserves sooner than later.
External Corrosion
Take a moment to give your water heater a once over. You shouldn’t just be worried about rusty water. If you notice that your water heater is rusty on the outside then it’s a sign that it’s deteriorating and will likely need repair work soon.
Come to us for all your water heater repair needs. The Gas Efficiency Experts.